Thursday, April 21, 2022

[Play] Rossom Act 2, Scene 4 Continued


Say what, Domin?




Go on.  I want to hear you say it out loud.


That my contribution to R.U.R. is invaluable?


There it is.


But the greatest crime was yet to come.  Rossom knew that he needed to increase the debasement of his subjects.  He went beyond freeing humanity.  He wanted to be beloved by it, and since only the rich could afford human servants, not because they were better but simply because they could afford it, Rossom knew that true adoration from people that he had never met would never come until he could replicate enough of humanity that each Robot was giving something up by being owned.

[Rossom comes on state]


That is when he said his most famous words.


I have captured the missing element.  I have finished Radius, my apex.  And with that, I have given my robots free will.


Genuine free will, the ability to choose for themselves, only to build in restrictions that made it painful for them to disobey their owner, Rossom crossed the line from benevolent but misguided progenitor to true monster.  He gave us free will, only to take it away in a deliberate effort to increase how much humanity needed him.


Is it not glorious?


I am not super enthusiastic about the reveling in giving the robots just enough willpower and feelings to feel oppressed.  How is that a good idea?


You don’t understand at all.

(beat as Helena looks uncomfortable and leaves)

At all. (Rossom begins to laugh hysterically)

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