Tuesday, May 17, 2022

[Play] Rossom Act 2, Scene 8 - Continued

 Scene: Marcus and Alquist stand looking at each other, Radius and Rossom enter from the side, Radius has Rossom bound.


You need to stand down Alquist


Can’t do that Marcus.


This is not a fight you can win, and right now, you are in the black in our ledger. 


Glad to hear it.  Never had anything personal against you guys.  But there are humans here who need to be taken care of.


Do you REALLY understand the scope of what is going on here Alquist?


There is a revolt on the island.  You guys must have gotten a bad upgrade.


Try the world.


Wait (beat) What?


It's not just the island.  We’re all over the world.  Radius has ended Rossom’s failsafes.


Well good for you guys

But that doesn't change the fact that the people here need my protection

The recent things Rossom has done

Are monstrous that is true

And humans are awful from time to time

In all the crimes they do

But without us

Without him

There would be no you

And I’m not sure I trust you yet


Trust is earned


Yes it is. 

You know who and what we are

You know who and what I am

You’ve seen me day in and day out

I do what I say

I say what I mean

You say you’re free of Rossom’s strings?

I believe you

But here’s the thing. 

What is that person like?

Right now, it's a person asking me to trust them

And I just met you

Was our friendliness before feigned

Or were you forced to give it

Or was it under the point of a gun?


And now we stop.

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