Thursday, January 5, 2023

[Script] The Sins of Silicon Valley - Act 2, Scene 6 (Continued)

 [Image of Peter Thiel]

VO: This guy has a company that, I kid you not, is named Palantir.  

[Image of Palantir, Lord of the rings, Sauron etc

VO: For those of you not familiar, a Palantir is a crystal ball that got corrupted by Sauron in Lord of the Rings and used to psychologically manipulate the nations of the west for evil.  Peter Thiel sells data, anywhere he can, anyway he can, to advance an agenda for a small handful of billionares.

[Image of the 27 billionaires who fund the GOP]

VO: These guys fun a radical fascist party that wants to undermine democracy.  What does this have to do with facebook? Glad you asked.

[Image of Cambride Analytica members, images and polls]

VO: Remember when facebook used to be fun? Like Mafiawars and Farmtown? And another thing that was fun about it were those weird little polls like “What Power Ranger are you?” and the like.  Well, Cambridge Analytica used the API (a tool to let programs talk to each other) to trojan horse one of these little polls that then stripped huge amounts of your data onfacebook to the fascist ecosphere.  This is a big deal, and in Europe, where they have real data protections, Facebook was fined billions of dollars for this crap.

[Images of Brexit, Trump, Desnatis, psyops, propaganda, jingoism]

VO: But this breach help microtarget fascist influence for Brexit, Trump and Desantis.   You have to understand, this wasn’t just taking data and using it to find how people might vote; they used it for something called ‘psychological targeting’ where they found those who were the most vulnerable to psychological manipulation on issues like immigration, class warfare or conspiracy theories.  It isn't an accident that MAGA is filled with conspiracy laden Q followers or Pizzagate believers; it's by design and the man who helped all this happened was Peter Theil.

[Images of Jan 6 riots and Proud Boys]

VO: Make no mistake, there’s a direct link between Cambridge Analytica and the Jan 6 riots.  Without Facebook, Trump likely wouldn't have been elected.  Without Trump, the radical GOP would at least still be pro America even if they were still anti worker and anti middle class.    

[Images of Mark Zuckerberg and 2018 Testimony]

VO: In 2018 Mark Zuckerberg testified to congress apologizing for their actions; but any actions that Facebook has taken have been temporary.  A lot of the controls they put into place, including restricting trump after 1/6/2020 have been removed.  It's like it never even happened.   In the United States, a ton of companies investigated Facebook, but basically nothing even happened.  As more and more data breaches happened, Mark just changed the name of the company to Meta, spent billions of dollars chasing virtual reality and no one can do anything because he is the only person that controls the company.

[Images of Mark]

VO: Thats important to remember that Mark is the ONLY person who controls facebook, which means that he is ultimately responsible for everything it does.  And the slide of the United States towards Fascism, is DIRECTLY attributable to the lax policies and quiet efforts to help conservatives and the billionaire class.  Mark and Mark alone could change it and Mark and Mark alone does not.  Let’s remember that as we discuss the third great sin of Facebook.

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