Saturday, July 1, 2023

[Poem] Dear Resident Charlie Brown

 By Emmit Other

Dear Resident Charlie Brown

Gonna play hard ball now Charlie?

Of course you're not

Of course you're not

Gotta get the lunch pail blue collar vote

Bring your lunch to congress

Like Fred Flintstone of a bygone year

A sitcom time made disappear

You bring your lunch to congress

The man you want the vote of

Died in 66

You sell us out to a Rape Court

For a sucker and pixie sticks

Centrist sugar tastes good

Cause thats what got you in the senate chair

Meanwhile you dont investigate the rape court

And cause existential despair

In all the young folks 

You say you love so much

That saved your centrist bacon

But you go on livin your sit com

And we all know you're fakin

You ran for office for family's sake

So then riddle me this then Joe

If Legacy is what matters to you

What happens when you go

When the DHS is compromised

And your AG walked trump Slow

Sure you got it right on Ukraine

But who will ever know

When the reich wing GQP

Steals the election show

You didnt fight fascism tooth and nail

So they will write the story

Your presidency will be told by angry goons

Who think that Trump is glory

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