Tuesday, July 11, 2023

[Poem] The Eye of the Serpent

 by Emmit Other

Harken by the fire

Ye who would hear

Watch those from the darkness

Caught in Samsara's spear

Its the brightest of bright

That it makes hardest fall

For the spiritual giants

Oft hear Mammon's call

They say that they ignore it

But the cause does need money

They wear robes and beads

But its awfully funny

Since the limo they came in

Is plated on Gold

There is an ad on the playbill

Space is already sold

These arent just fakers

(Though there are indeed a few)

But legitimate messiahs

Who know what to do

To call down the Source

For all the lost peons

Just hear their new voice

Unique in the Aeons

And sooner or later

The Six Snakes they strike

They do it with paper cuts

And with cross and with steel spike

The method dont matter

They still die like the rest

But only those who eschewed temptation

Stand with the best

And then for a generation or four

Their followers get it 

And the world they implore

To follow their man 

And follow his word

Ignoring the fall

You're free as a bird

The game is rigged for the house my friend

But its built on sand

We are all stars in the end

Listen and learn for yourself for a change

You will find deeper meaning

And the worlds wonderfully strange

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