Thursday, August 31, 2023

[Poem] The Nexus of Dumb

by Emmit Other

Sometimes two different things
Coming together makes synergy
Something greater than the sum of their parts
Bacon Lettuce and Tomato
Peanut Butter and Chocolate
Niel Gaiman and Terry Pratchet
The Avengers and Justice League
And sometimes
Oh god Sometimes
Two dumb things coming together
Makes things even dumber
Like anti vaxxer murderers
And abusive pet owners
And Freak Parents of Autisitic Kids
Who feel it is something to be cured
Syncing up to prevent
Ladies and gentlemen
In a world of MAGA and Swamp Hitler
And capitalism and Techno Fascism
Climate Deniers and QAnon Freaks
It takes a LOT
like a lot alot
To become the stupidest thing of all time
But Autism for dogs
Preventing dogs from getting autism
From Vaccines
Takes the fucking cake

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