Thursday, May 23, 2024

[Poem] 30 years and 30000

by Emmit Other

A member of the LDS faith
Might say
I have no business discussing LDS Matters
I beg to differ
Until the LDS church gives me back
The first 30 years of my life
And 30000 in tithing money
I spent
Based on lies told to me
By everyone I ever cared about
Who say they love me
But who do not like me
Who spread calumny because
I speak truth to power
Samuel the Lamanite
In the LDS Book of Mormon
Condemned the evil of Zarahemla
And no record was made of his name
Christ hinself 
In the Book Of mormon
Admonished Nephi Of the time
For not recording the words
They knew to be true
Was it because
they didnt like what he said
About most of their zarahelma church?
Maga is poison
And failure to call it out
Means having a prophet is pointless
So I Do 
What Russle M Nelson
Should be

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