Monday, August 26, 2024

[Poem] Reuleaux Triangle Privlidge

by Emmit Other

In Flatland

That distant imaginary country of two dimensions

Where three d folks look on and smile

At their goofy flat ways

The Circle is God

And the women are lines no one takes seriously

A strict case system created to mock 

Crap Victorian Bizarreness

Well now

A Reuleaux Triangle 

Is a triangle that can act like a wheel

Its a circle when it wants to be

And a triangle when it wants to be

And for centuries

The circles treated the Reuleaux like shit

Until after great pain and suffering

Now the Reuleaux are full circles

Except they also want to be victims like Triangles

Reuleaux want all of the protection AND all the privilege

They want their cake and to eat it too

Indeed triangles living in the Reuleaux flats

Normal triangles that cant disguise themselves as circles

To be killed and die

They dont say that

But the Reuleaux Triangles have suffered

And insist you constantly remember that suffering

But also demand the right 

To rape and maim and kill regular triangles from Reuleaux

And will never be triangles or regular circles

They insist on both privilege and protection

And will ruin you if you point out the hypocrisy

Utterly ruin you

Even if other Reuleaux Triangles say

'Maybe we should remember when we were called Triangles

And not kill other triangles'

The majority of Realeaux Triangles

Will say that the sympathetic ones

Are sell outs and self hating

And sit down and shut up

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