Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Seventh Seal Chapter 3 - Page 33

Page 1
Row 1 Box 1 (tiny box within a box) Sun rising over trees
Row 1 Box 2 (Larger Box) Focus on a dandelion single seed.
Narration: Seeds are fascinating things. They’re the focus of symbols about small things becoming big things. It’s a good symbol. Seeds can often grow thousands of times larger than their original size.
Row 1 Box 3 The wind blows on a field of dandelions.
Narration: All of civilization depends on them. Agriculture,the taming of seeds, lead to every single other advancement in one form or another.
Row 2 Box 1
The seed breaks loose from the dandelion and flies in the wind.
Narration: Tools are useful for good or destruction. That includes seeds. That includes choices. That’s why little things matter. And when you understand the little things, you understand the big things.
Row 2 Box 2
The seed flies over a village on fire.

Narration: The philosophers have always argued and probably always will argue about what free will really means. The universe might care, or it doesn't. But *I* care. And that’s what matters to me.

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