Thursday, December 12, 2013

Seventh Seal Chapter 3 - Page 34

Page 2
Row 1 Box 1 The seed flies down toward a roof.
Row 1 Box 2 The seed catches on fire,turning to ash.
Row 1 Box 3 The ash falls down.
Row 2 A picture of the former market place on fire that Sluice and Vesuvius walked through on fire, with people scrambling to put out the fire.
Row 3 Box 1 A distorted reflection of the art museum through water.
Off Panel: “Excellent.
Row 3 Box 2 A distorted though slightly clearer view of the art museum.
Off Panel: “Slither always knows how to salvage a difficult situation.”
Row 3 Box 3 Horus looks down from his throne at Amanda.
Horus: “Your new partner is arriving.”
Row 3 Box 4 Reflective Pool
A portal opens up in front of the pool and Slither emerges,cackling gleefully.

Slither: Heheheheheheheheh.

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