Tuesday, September 22, 2015

[Script] Unfood - Page 23

CONTINUED: 23. in a hyper user friendly interface which bears no resemblance to that of a video game whatsoever. The health bar shows 60%. Freight searches through the cargo hold and finds loads of socks. The health bar shows at 50%. Freight lies down on the floor, unable to move. The Health bar shows 40%. Freight has grown a beard and mustache. He also has lost weight. He gurgles with frustration at a full cooked meal that looks absolutely delicious and knocks it off of the table and howls at the Creator with frustration. He takes the plate (which is unbreakable) and bangs it on the side of the creator several times. He looks distraught and desperate. SCENE 6 - INT – NIGHT - SHIPS CONTROL ROOM Freight lies back inside of the Ship’s control room, trying various setting without much use. He changes channels slowly, trying to get a result. As he flips through the channels, he eventually gets a result, a small haze of red that appears on the screen but is pretty small. FREIGHT What the hell was that? SHIP’S COMPUTER Unknown. FREIGHT Can’t you do better than that? SHIP’S COMPUTER Unknown life form. FREIGHT Good. (beat) Very good. He smiles widely. This is the best news that he has had in a while. He moves towards the elevator and presses the button. INT – ELEVATOR – NIGHT Freight rubs his hands together and cackle Wylie E Coyote style.

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