Wednesday, September 23, 2015

[Fairy Tale] Elowyn Wisp - Part 7 - The End

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On and on the man flew until at last he returned to the great crystal gazeebo where Elowyn had been lain before.  She was unconcious, and looked extremely pale.  Taking the earth from outside of the farm and mixing it with the earth here in this otherworldly realm, he planted Elowyn down on top of it.

At first nothing happened, and the Man cried all night and all of the birds and beasts cried as well.  But then the sun began to arise and it shone through the wondrous crystals of the gazebo and made a fire and a light in a sea of shimmering sunshine.  The clouds drifted away, and the orange and reds of dawn slowly gave way to a perfectly lovely blue sky.

And Elowyn fluttered her eyelids and she took a deep breath.  "Oh my, I feel much better!"

The man wept for joy and everyone celebrated.

Elowyn smiled as her father had saved her.  "Now you can live here forever with me."

And so he did.  And they had a magnificent feast every day and heard stories of all the world over and rested and knew peace forever more, and Elowyn was always healthy and shining and bright and always remembered how her father had saved her and as a result was even kinder than she otherwise would have been to every living thing and thus her realm became a sanctuary for all that was good and holy forevermore.

The end.

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