Thursday, December 31, 2015

[Script] Legacy of Hope - Page 8

Scene: The sun sets over an interesting residential street.  IT is shown from several angles.

Scene: Hobbes looks nervously through the window.

Scene: Andrasta walking down the middle of the street.  Utterly unarmed.  Street Lights come on.

Scene: Hobbes sees her and gasps.

Scene: Close up of Hobbes' eye going wide from fear.

Scene: Close up of one side of Andrasta's lips as it ticks up in a half smirk.

Scene: Inside of the house, Hobbes goes and fetches a spell book, and begins rifling through the pages.

Scene: Fog slowly begins to roil in front of the house as Andrasta walks onto the lawn.

Scene: Three demons slowly rise up out of the fog and challenge Andrastada.  One of them immediately charges.  She eagle claws its eye and then tears into its throat where a great deal of blood spills out.  The other two look at each other.  They attack at the same time,  She grabs one by the arm, seemingly breaking it in two while it howls in pain, the other one swings around her from behind and grabs her arms.  The second one begins to punch her stomach and cracks her ribs.  She lifts both of her legs into the air, kicks them down and cracks both legs on the demon holding her, massive amounts of blood spilling out as it lands on the ground.  The demon who had been attacking her runs, and there is a scream off camera.

Scene: All three demons disolve into mist.

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