Friday, January 1, 2016

[Writer Stuff] Fiona Skye

While I reserve Monday to post my status as well, Fridays I am going to try and post useful writer tips, resources or inspirational material.  Because I wrote the review fairly recently, I'm including it again here for the audiobook of Fiona's here.  Fiona has been the editor of a few of my short stories, Grenademan vs The Zombies and also Forever West.

Her website is here.

Her good reads site is here.

And her twitter is here.

Why you should care: As a reader, her books are quite interesting.

As a writer, you should care for two reasons; three actually.  First, because she is an excellent example of "Donna Do" as compared to "Donna Don't" and shows the best steps a rising author who can actually sell things should follow.  Second, she is an excellent editor for beginning writers because she is one, she is very cheap for the skill level she brings to the table, and because she is willing to call your bullshit for what it is while also offering very real positive praise for the work just when you need it.  And third, because smart writers network very well and she can teach you a lot about how to do it (also see point one).

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