Wednesday, March 2, 2016

[Heliotrope] No, that really is the way it works.

Why do writers keep writing about writers? Or more over, why are some of the most powerful works of fiction metafictional?  Some people find it tacky that Stephen King placed himself into his magnum opus, the Dark Tower series?  The bonds between worlds are built on words.  You can see it in the popular Terran documentary/ Earth animated film The Song of the Sea.

What do you think I mean when I say I am a fictional character? Obviously I have my own reality, I know I am real, my reality is as tangible as I am, and just because you arent reading about me doesnt mean I cease to exist, but for all purposes of YOUR reality, the only thing binding me to you is story.  Generally this is words, though music, sounds, podcasts or even film produce the same effect.  They are the wrappers by which connections are made.   And a solid reality like Terra or Earth has plenty of definition, but when you start talking about Fairy, the stories become very important indeed.

Fae can glamour themselves to look like anything.  The more powerful and fae like the fae, the more they change and shift, which is why they love mortal stories to help define them.  They love bards to entertain, since the strength of these words strengthens the realm itself.  How could then the realm of gods and other empheral beings (like Muses) fail to be any less defined by stories? Of course they also have an independent existance but the granularity, the REALITY of it all is more defined by the words than you can imagine.   They like to sell that they inspire, and the best ones do, tapping that primal creative work to help find something original that that particular reality hasn't connected to yet; but muses are just like mortals in one aspect.  There are some that work hard; and then there are the lazy ones.

The lazy ones seem to inspire but really just connect one reality to another without helping in the creation of the words themselves.  The very lazy ones provide short term access to greatness but drain the source in its entirity.  I mean, for crying out loud, these are GODS, do you really expect this is some benevolent less than beneficial relationship? What do you think they get out of it? Worship, and what is worship but the other end of a story? Without stories, what is a religion? Nothing, that's what.  The patheons that last and have great power have the best stories.

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