Tuesday, March 1, 2016

[Script] Revolution Number 8 - Page 9

Scene: Intern Adams is talking with the Beatles.

Intern Adams: So....I kind of, and I want to put considerable emphasis on the word kind of, get what you are doing, but I guess my question is...how can I help?

Paul: Inspiration.

John: Imagination.

Ringo: Intelligence.

George: Anything.  Anything would work better than we've been doing for the last-

Intern Adams: Anything?

Paul: Absolutely anything.

Intern Adams: First thing that pops into my head?

Paul: Absolutely.

Intern Adams: 42.

Paul: Except that.

John: Hold on.  I can use that.  If you assume 42 bars and then hit that with stanzas and the right key...

Ringo: Oh no, don't start that again, not that side project of yours

John: I think it can really expand

George: We have to finish what we're WORKING ON before we go on to something else.

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