Wednesday, April 20, 2016

[Heliotrope] The Moulin Rouge

The accords of the royal families of Outer Fairy forbid interaction with Terra without direct consent from the High King.  Goblins of course, routinely ignore this rule and there are many fae from Middle or Inner fairy who do as they please.  But there are exceptions.  The primary method that they get away with this is by prior exceptions.   The Red Windmill had existed for hundreds of years before the mortal equivalent made itself manifest, a way station in the middle of France for those who knew how to find it.

As mortal technology and population increased, it became harder and harder for people to glamour a place of such size to keep it hidden.  So the royal house behind it decided to make it a theater.  There was great conflict within the house as to whether they should do so, since House Silvestrebel tends to be socially conservative compared to some of the other houses; even if the fashionable wing therein pushes the boundaries as far as they can.  Visiting a House Silvestrebel ball is either the dullest affair imaginable or more fun than a barrel of howler monkeys.

The kind that dance.

Over the years, the prestige of the place has grown to the point that the current extremely long "Fairy" story line attracts VIPS from all over Outer Fairy who like to slum with Terrans.  Indeed, at any given point, half the audience might not be Terran human at all.  It is filled with beings from across creation and is one of Terra's most popular stops.  Even those who use humans as a food source see the artistry of the place (if they are capable of recognizing the concept of art)

The very nature of the show is enough to repel the smaller minded nature of Terrans, especially the more mundane sort.  Call them what you will, every country has them, but the nexus has helped them be vastly reduced in Paris as well as France.  This is also why so many in America hate France, given the large number that were expelled from Europe in exile.  This fact is not lost on the inhabitants of Fairy.  While magic is a tremendous advantage, no one, not even Inner Fairy, relishes the idea of apes traipsing through Fairy Rings or Fairy Doors with suitcase nukes.

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