Thursday, April 21, 2016

[Script] Peter Pan vs Frankenstein vs Superman - Page 2

Scene: Peter Pan is peeping through a window with a drooling Twinkerbell, who inadvertintly flies into a nearby bug zapper.

Scene: Close up image of Twinkerbell lightup like a Christmas tree and falling to the ground like the cartoon bitch she is.

Scene: Wide scene of Peter not caring, just peeping through the window.

Scene: Denny is getting dressed for school and puts on her bra.

Scene: Peter Pan licks the glass.

Scene: A charcoaled Twinkerbell floats up and jingles her annoyance.

Peter: You're right Tink, the boys do need a mother.  Badly.

Scene: Twinkerbell looks incredulous as that totally isn't what she said.

Small words appear as subtiles under the screen.

Twinkerbell (subtitles): Are you even listening to me? I said this one isn't like the others.

Scene: Peter just looks at the glass again and reaches below where we can see on the glass and smiles slightly.

Scene: Close up of Twinkerbell.

Twinkerbell (subtitles): I know you can understand me. Its magic.

Scene: A large fist reaches through the wall, causing stone and plaster and glass to burst everywhere and grabs Peter by the neck.

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