Saturday, June 18, 2016

What's in a Word?

So this thing I am think of? What is it? I've hinted at it, but I think the closest clearest equivalent is Ecological Engineering of Society at a Memetic level.

I dont consider it Applied Mythology, which is a very specific methodology of immersion in the power of stories to find meaning in our lives at an individual and then a community level. I DO think that applied mythology is a valuable tool to make that happen.

I definitely don't think it is sociology, any more than chemistry is what the guys at dupont use to make their products.  What? You might say, of course they use chemistry.  There is a difference between the science of chemistry and chemical engineering; which involves applying that chemistry to an actual solution as well as designing the solution.  Sociology is definitely a component of this and I need to learn a lot more about it.

There is the popular term that occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan called "Nation Building" and I think in practical terms, that might be a good working title for people who don't understand or wont understand the fancy words I will be throwing around; but there are two problems with this.  The first one, is that the word now carries baggage; we tried it and failed.  But the second is because the PRIMARY method of 'nation building' in this case was because it was a government trying to build another government.  Progressives do not rely on government to always be the solution but a government definitely will.  Everything is a nail that their hammer can solve; though rarely and to sometimes good effect with training an agency can see the value of trying a different solution.  But then corruption just comes in and makes it worthless.

No, what I want to do is more than governments.  Nation building works, but even then, some institutions should be global.  Community Building has a nice ring to it, but that sounds a lot more like Community Organizing, and we're not just talking politics here but a holistic practical application of multiple institutions working together, how those institutions come together and how they interact.

I need to end for now, but I think Community Building is as good a word as I've found until I find something better.

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