Sunday, November 28, 2021

lllegitimate Farce

 Check out Emmit Other's poem!


After the last great war

We determined to never have another one

A place where nations could talk

Instead of shoot

And for decades it worked


The Security Council was garbage

But sometimes let keepers work

When the big boys didnt have a dog in that fight

Or stopping diseases

With the WHO

Until Winnie the Pooh took over China

And suddenly truth is an embarrassment

The CCP let covid fester

For their pretty pretty meeting

And millions have died

And now the Garbage WHO

Which doesnt and didnt want to offend China

Reelects the same garbage leader

Who now skips the greek letter Xi

To name the latest variant

To avoid offending the glorious leader Pooh

Has demonstrated its time for the UN to go

And be replaced by a world democratic forum

The UN needs to go away

Metaphorically burn it to the ground

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