Wednesday, July 26, 2023

[Poem] Gonna Find Out

 by Emmit Other

Pay attention Magalos

Harken and hear

As best you can

With your head up your rear

The Right Wing Likud

You hold so dear

Just made checks and balances

Totes Disappear

To any non conservative

Its now totally clear

Bibi means to illiberalize his nation

Just like you wanna do right here

Fuck around and find out

Fuck around and find out

Fuck around and find out

What the left is about

Magalos love to hump their little guns

When they see dead minorities

Their eyes smile like suns

They get horny at cop violence

Even when it makes no sense

But in Israel every citizen helps

In her defense

So liberals there can shoot

Already now with just one law

They are in the streets to protest

The right wing parties tell the cops to kill

To beat them and make them arrest

So watch what happens when they further right

And force the Israeli left to fight

Watch the magalos pale at the sight

Of Israeli left wing resistance

Masadan soldiers are not just likud

But the entire spectrum of freedoms brood

This isnt over just because some dude

Thinks he owns the law.

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