Friday, February 14, 2025

There Is No Love In The World

 It is Valentine's Day and the world is full of hate.  For the first time in my life, my natural reaction is to withdraw rather than rush into the streets and pound people in the face (which is why I have not ever and will not ever EVER join a protest).  Alas, this is not a time where one can do that, but I will leave the what to better people than I.   There are general strikes and protests and yes you should write your congressthings.

Do all the things.

But as and mayhap before you do, take a breath.  As a writer, when I wear that hat, I am an entertainer.  And that means reading and empathizing with my audience in a live reading or podcast or simply sitting down and writing.  And in that capacity I have learned a few things you might find useful.

You cannot give if you are an empty shell.  Self care was important during covid and its more important now.   Eat.  Read.  Exercise.  Find a routine that lets you balance staying connected and also letting your batteries recharge.   If you are empty they will break you, and they want to break you.   And if you break you have no idea how many people around you might break too.  Maybe no one cares, maybe more people than you can imagine are counting on you.  Hell, maybe your neighbors you barely speak to need you to wave and say hello every day.  Keeping it together is half the battle.

And about that.

Be there for people.  Reach out to friends and family with empathy.  Be more available because in the times to come we will all need each other.  Trust will be at a premium and the people you are there for now will be there for you later.   Vent.   Reminiss.   Ask how they are doing.  Empathy and kindness are our greatest weapons against hate and ignorance.   Joy is the kryptonite of the current regime but Joy is a long term investment; it must be real and cannot be forced. 

You cannot clap harder to make joy happen.   Build something together; anything.  A house, an app,  a play, a school.  There is no greater sense of accomplishment when the world is falling apart than pushing against the tide and making something real happen.

And above all, if you have a romantic interest; be romantic today.   Symbols matter and right now they matter a ton.  Show love.  Show that you care.

One day at a time.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

[Poem] The Case For Vegetarianism for Four Years

 By Emmit Other

I kid you not

With not the least bit of hyperbole

I eat spagettios with meat balls

Out of the can

Like a fucking bachelor hobo

And I read

RFK Jr approved by senate

And I suddenly imagine

Sticking in the spoon

And pulling out dead rat head

I dont care what you publicly say

But if I were you

i would get my drugs from Canada

And skip meat

Until we get a real person

In charge of enforcing federal law

Sunday, February 9, 2025

[Poem] American Sports Are Fascism

 By Emmit Other

The year is 1936

And Jesse Owens

A black man

And one of the most athletic humans to ever live

Kicks Nazi Ass

So pathetic White American Sports Nazis

Took his medal

And he didnt get it back

Til decades after he died

Colin Kaepernick knelt to protest racism

And got reamed by the Capitalist owners

And right wing filth

And now a man who tears apart hospitals and farms

And his filth followers cheer even as he makes them unemployed too

The Monopolist NFL removed anti racist slogans

Sports is always a powerful symbol

And America is a fascist state

So be a fascist and watch and cheer your team

But American Sports is Fascism when it is run by a fascist

I dont care what you say or babble

What is is what is

Sports is for meatheads anyway

You do you

But if you particpate in the stuperbowl today

Even the fucking commercials

ESPECIALLY the fucking commercials

You endorse fascism

Monday, February 3, 2025

[Poem] Echoes Of Time

 By Emmit Other

He frowned and yelled

When CNN

(The most honest network in history really wink wink)

Showed Palestinians cheering when the towers fell



People who only live to own the libs

Have no

Honor values morals love empathy compassion

Except for contempt for those things

Twenty three years later

He cheered just like the faked footage of Palestinians

Leaping up and down

And blowing balloons and dancing

When the ICE agents

Opened in live fire

On a peaceful protest

It became a family thing

Once a week

They melted butter and popped popcorn

And watched the murders of the week

They had pleading for your life like a liberal bingo

Eventually making liberals participate in gladiatorial games

Because the most popular Maga past time


They thirst




Wednesday, January 29, 2025

[Poem] Just Kidding

 By Emmit Other

The Center Right in Germany

voted w the nazi AfD

Days after Holocaust Remembrance

And days after Leon Stink

Said forget about the past

Germany lied

Germany loves Nazis

Europe plays around w Nazis

it has no moral authority to mock America

And the Center Right

In Germany

should be banned with the AfD

conservatism leads to fascism

Capitalism leads to fascism

The next time you speak to a German

Remind them of this day

Like a Dog to its Vomit

Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Illness, family visit and employment faie drama theater have all sucked my will to write but at about 30k in armor of stone, and progressing on other items, ready to kick up The Queen in Blue to high gear and likely to resume on Grenadmen vs the lich since momentum on armor is very slow

Friday, January 10, 2025

[Poem] Clapping For Jedi Guadians

 By Emmit Other 

Aging Octagonaeian Boomers

Are yet again 

Demanding the Obligatory Bluewho Clap

For the Jedi Guardians

Who Died defending the Jedi Temple Children

From Darth Vader

Ignoring the Fact

That the Fallen Aging Ossified and Disgusting Jedi Order

Had everything that happened to it coming

(Except the murdered children)

Because they MADE Darth Vader

Yes Vader is responsible for his actions

And so are the jedi

Both have the childrens blood on their hands

And their abject useless failure at projecting them

By falling like dupes in a manufactured war

Hardly makes them objects of celebration

The democraps like to harp

About how they are the party of truth

And republicans arent

And yet the lich Nancy Pelosi stole the leadership seat from AOC

There is no plan

There has never been a plan

Biden is an incredibly unpopular president

Democrats take blame for nothing

Spit on the left

And expect us to vote in 2028

For the next centrist South Carolina selected

Milktoast compromise blue dog candidate
