Saturday, June 20, 2020

The $ins of $ilicon Valley - The Tyrant of Mars

Why are we going to let a guy who says a virus doesnt exist so he can risk lives to sell more electric cars be in charge of a colony a hundred million miles away?  What is wrong with a system that allows such a sociopath such unchecked power?

Check out this episode!

Monday, June 15, 2020

The $ins of $ilicon Valley - The Magniot LIne

Even a virtue assigned to the tech world has all kinds of holes in it.  While an individual might have protection inside of the companies that actually bother to care about it.   When a secure company shares their data with an insecure company (facebook) or government (China) then it doesn't matter how secure they are INTERNALLY, they are absolutely insecure out of their narrow walled garden.

Check out this episode!

Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Irredeemable Party

At what point does a party's brand become so toxic that you are evil simply being involved with them any more?

The Republican Party crossed that line a LONG time ago and its time to stop celebrating "the good republicans"

Check out this episode!