Personal circumstances have conspired to prevent me from releasing new material at this time. That, and national novel writing month will take a lot of my time. For those of the five of you listening to the podcast on stitcher or itunes you wouldnt hear the newest version of this, so for about a month and a half every other week, we'll be posting that instead.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
[Script] Unfood - Page 34
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
[Script] Unfood - Page 33
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Grenademan vs the Zombies - Chapter 12 Part 2
A group of refugees approaches the town and the town is faced with a difficult decision. Doc makes it for them.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
[Script] Unfood - Page 32
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
[Script] Unfood - Page 31
Monday, October 19, 2015
When Writing Can Literally Kill You
I have never considered myself a "real" artist even though that is a lie. Many if not most artists draw their stuff to create either from the dark side of their emotional palate or the entire thing. While I do draw from all my experience, I cannot function without some stability.
We have no apartment and trying to find one was so much stress that combined with unemployment plus a theft plus a betrayal from one if our would be friends in Miami caused me to have the closest thing to a nervous breakdown I am actually capable of having.
Right now, there is just no energy for it. Ignoring my hatred of lost work, there is also the fact that I kind if have to fool myself six or seven different ways to write this and all my capacity for self deception needs to focus on finding a job right now.
So with heavy heart I have to give up nanowrmo this year. Next year if I have a job and we have a place.
This may be the last update for a while
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Letters to Rhombus 2
Rhombus answers more letters from fictional people. Write a real one. Send it to
Thursday, October 15, 2015
This is a life goal.
But I've tried this already and failed miserably both times, once was semi official even if I didn't register and the other time was with Tossing Grenades at Windmills earlier this year and I have been stuck stuck stuck stuck stuck on chapter 12 for months taking victory in working on a few words (emphasis) WORDS a day.
Nanowrimo is 50000 in one month. Assuming at least 5 bad days, that's 25 good days at 2000 words each. 2000 words is something that I have written in an hour....
The first time was so bad (as in the quality of the work) I actually stopped and wrote seven extra pages just murdering my characters again and again in different ways
The second time was much better but Grenademan is my Mickey Mouse....he is FUN to write and chapter 12 is KILLING me....granted, I'm following a script rather than going where my imagination takes me but...
I had hoped to have everything planned out....right now I have just one of three main lines vaguely mapped out with delusions of a second (Really, who REALLY wants to read about a psychopathic vigilante mouse?...maybe if it actually was Mickey Mouse with a stiletto....) and a title...and a vague tie in to a rather interesting french philosopher who liked titles.
I am unemployed at the moment which is draining and even if I get a job there will be no fuel of reserve. And even though I have writing fans, this just won't FEEL the same as GMVZ....
So ...
I'm insane.
This will likely fail.
We're still going to an event this sunday and I'm likely registering on the site.
To quote the dwarf...
"Small chance of success. Certain destruction? What are we waiting for?"
[Script] Unfood - Page 30
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
[Script] Unfood - Page 29
Monday, October 12, 2015
My expidition to Lint Land
So my name is Glerda Dofamaton. I am administrative assistant ...I am sorry "executive assistant" (with the same pay) to E.P. Blingermeter, who Rhombus has arranged to take over the dead guy/not dead guy's writing blog, but Mr. Blingermeyer is on an expidition involving talking ponies of pastel colors. So before Rhombus could get Emmit Other or Redwin Tursor, EP said I should just slap something together.
Please note I am not getting paid for this and to me you are fictional so I really don't care about your opinion. In fact, when Rhombus explained the whole concept to me I found the idea offensive. I am real. You are just shadows on some ghost bridge and really who cares about "stories" anyway.
And Rhombus didn't say what this had to be about so I am writing about this.
....Apparently I have to include some kind of content. Whatever that means. I am not a writer.
E.P.'s first expedition was to the place where all the things missing in the dryer go. Please note, they dont actually go there. People just believe they do. Well, while there were some socks, it was mainly just a lot of lint. Some of the artidacts recovered were worth some money but not many.
What upset me so much was the fact that all if Mr Blingermeyers clothing was covered in cakes of pernicious supernatural lint. It took six trips to the dry cleaner.
And who do you think had to take care of that? Exactly.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Fairy Tale - Elowyn Wisp
For quite some time I have been trying to resurrect a wonderful project I started with some of TC's friends and family members earlier this year to find new fairy tales. But due to life and a series of other happenings, these got started but were never finished. These tales were to be released under the Creative Commons License....
The original people involved in this project were TC Ricks, Andrew Greenberg, Greg Sanford, and Julie R Ray. Others showing interest were Bill Bridges, Josie Burgin Lawson and Fiona Skye.
New Fairy Tales by New Fairy Tales Group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The original project was to start a story and then turn it around, round robin style with each new author adding to the original story. There are currently four 'seeds' and I'll be randomly selecting two and pursuing those until done. Anyone who wants to participate may submit a possible answer to anyone else in the group by the following day...
For example, after I post one of the four seeds here, all written up to this point, anyone on the list can continue and anyone else on the list can vote for the next version they like most. No one is required to continue it at all, and you may write a continuance under an alias and be added to the group list in this post. Elsewise, I will write a continuance a week by default until 'done' and then finish at least the first four seeds, maybe more after that if the group so decides.
If you want to join (or leave) the group, email me at redanvilcreative at the google mail.
Anyway, here is one of the four seeds, selected at random.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
[Script] Unfood - Page 28
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
I can't write when depressed
To explain why you are getting some content and not others, I have a backlog of scripts and podcasts. The situation with my last interview was rather depressing. I know how artists are supposed to thrive on pain, but I don't. I will resume as soon as I can. Hopefully the situation will change by nanowrmo or I will have to skip yet another year.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
[Script] Unfood - Page 27
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Grenademan Vs the Zombies Chapter 12 Part 1
The Circle begins to face challenges in their fight with the Zombies.
Written by TC Ricks
Performed by Rhombus Ticks
Edited by Fiona Skye
Sound Editing Grayson Bergman