Thursday, November 28, 2024

[Poem] The Only Time

 By Emmit Other

The only time


Wasnt speead at the point of a gun

Was the primitive Church of Christ

Nations convert to Judaism

Under a gun

Genocide is in the Torah

Genocidal blood drips from their lips

Of their cousins

Who strap bombs to themselves

Because their ancestors were converted

At the point of a fucking gun

And the fucking Chross

Spread with Imperialism

To every corner of globe

Under a fucking gun

So before you argue 

Nu uh no it didnt

Explain why hard right fanatics

In every fucking version

Run to the gun for all their problems

To get their way

And gag me with their star crescent and chross?

If we shouldnt point a gun

Right back 

And make monotheism go away


The original Christ

And love and peace and understanding





You fucking


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