Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year In Review

Well, what have I accomplished this year?

I submitted about 15 stories for publication, but all but 4-5 of those had been written in 2007.

I did complete my goal of writing a novel this year, but it wasn't the novel I originally set out to write.

I've also started the first 25% of another novel with a friend of mine. We're waiting for his life to get a little less hectic before we move forward.

All things told, a pretty good year.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Enter the Riot

Well I have now decided that the 4th novel will include a riot. A riot in which the heroes to that part of the book decide to sit back and do nothing or to use 'non violent means' of stopping the crowd burning the livelihoods of those in a town or tossing broken glass bottles and scarring the faces of their victims.

The 'heroes' will justify it 'for the greater good.'

Shades of gray generally makes for a better novel anyway.

Most authors I've read about take bits and pieces and sew them together....of course if it doesn't fit it doesn't fit.

But it seems like to telling a moment not to use.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not much progress

Working on the first half of chapter 10 and the second half of chapter 11. Ken is doing the other half. This is the first mixed chapters we've done (except the preface) so this should be interesting.

Still, didn't get much done during the last weekend due to the thanksgiving break.