Friday, December 20, 2024

[Poem] Eating Dogshit

 By Emmit Other

When I was five

Bullies dared me to eat Dogshit

And I did

And you never forget the taste


Cleaning bathrooms

Every weekend

At the Student Center

In college 

Was a breeze

Because human shit is nothing

Compared to Dogshit

In 2016


Ate Dogshit

And then in 2024


To eat


In a second giant heaping

Thanksgiving portions



Before they even start

The gubbamint is brokeded

There is no plan

There are no consequences

So the next time

You salute the flag

Thank someone for their service

Put your hand over your heart for the pledge

Sing the nationalz anthethemz


You are honoring

A nation

That eats dogshit


Likes it

I was five

Americuh has no such excuse

Friday, December 13, 2024

[Poem] The Anti George

 By Emmit Other

What if

In some other reality

Clarence was sent to someone like Mr Potter

And Mr Potter liked this new world better

And stuck around

And made it into Pottersfield