hy Emmit Other
I hear tell
That fancy smart doctors
Dont wanna practice in Coat Hanger States
Dont wanna be slaves
Dont wanna enable slavery and theocracy
Fancy city slickers
There are am smart peoples in Coathanger States
Coathanger States are totally not
Fly over and hold your nose country
And they will prove it
By using the empty abandoned medical skools
Stripped of all state funds
And find nice homes for the family of racoons living there
And gradumakate their own Doktorz
They will learn latest medikal tekneeks lik
Gud enuf 4 founding fatters gud enuf 4 us!
4 humors just as easy as stay at 4 seasons hotell
Save money w amputations and peg legs and huk handz
But not baby killin!
Sure infant mortality up 5000 percent
But that teh will of Godd not because our doctorz arent teh bestest!
And they have very pretty mouths!
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