Thursday, February 17, 2022


 Done with a Hand Grenade in King Arthur's Court, hope you enjoyed.

Starting next week, my rewrite of the play "Rossum's Universal Robots" which is, frankly an entirely different play.

Here is what ended up being the first page of the last play.

A Hand Grenade Loose in King Arthur’s Court

A Play

By Rhombus Ticks

Dramatic Persona:

Grenademan: A superhero adrift between different dimensions who is slightly insane and who throws different types of grenades who has just arrived in Camelot.

Order: The Personification of Order, son of Oberon and Titania.  A player of games in Camelot.

Chaos: The Personification of Chaos, son of Oberon and Titania.  A player of games in Camelot.

Herald One: A Herald of Eastland

Herald Two: A Herald of Arthur and Camelot.

Merlin: The Wizard.  The Time Traveling champion of Chaos.

Morgana: Morgan Le Fey, Bane of Camelot and Champion of Order.

Sir Pelinor: Wisest of King Arthur’s knights, student of many subjects including magic and Alchemy.

King Arthur: The King.

Guenivere - The Wife of the King

Sir Lancelot - A shamed knight seeking redemption

Merchant - A seller of Fruit

Sir Galahad - A knight so pure that no woman will fuck him or would want to and too dumb to know the difference.

Bill the Enchanter - Understudy to a much more advanced evoker of the same name.

Disenchanted Trees - They’re trees that talk and have a very poor attitude in life

William the Enchanter - Bill’s Twin Brother

Mordred - Bane of Arthur

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